Waving goodbye to July

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Another active month for me! My 23 stickers include:

-At-home DVD
-bellydance class
-Broadway dance class

Zumba is my new love. My dear friend Lindsay had been raving about what an amazing class it was, so I decided to try it one day. I've been hooked ever since!

Zumba is a mix of Latin, salsa, and other international dances (which could include African, bellydance and Bollywood). It's a great cardio workout that enables you to sweat, burn lots of calories and have an amazing time doing it!! It's all about listening to the music, moving and having fun. Part of the reason I joined Goodlife was because they offered Zumba classes and I wanted a way to take it at least once a week for a minimal cost! I am so thrilled to have found another way to exercise that I truly love. I highly recommend trying a class if you have a chance - you'll sweat like it's going out of style!

I love how passionate so many of you are about my monthly activity calendars! Check out all the activity that Robin got this month - what a superstar!! She is training for a marathon, plays ultimate frisbee and has now added yoga into the mix!! Robin, you truly inspire me and I am confident that with all this hard work you are going to continue to see great results!!

If you would like to be included in my recap next month, go print off the August calendar and get to work! I love reading about and seeing your successes! My August is going to be full of more bellydancing, yoga and trying out all the Goodlife classes!

And if you haven't done so already, be sure to enter my giveaway for a copy of Julia Cameron's The Writing Diet. I will pick a winner tonight at 9:00pm EST!

I leave you with a beautiful quote that my sweet friend Kate sent along:

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about learning to dance in the rain!"


frustrated artist said...

Hey Ashley...I'm interested in taking Zumba. Where in Toronto have you been taking them?

Ashley Gibson said...

I started taking classes at Joy of Dance (Broadview & Danforth). They have zumba on weekends and I think they're adding more classes for the fall session. You can find their link in my sidebar. It's a great studio, but it was getting to be expensive for me. That's where Goodlife came in! Most (if not all?) Goodlife gyms offer Zumba at least once per week. Like any class, it's about finding an instructor you click with, but so far I'm really enjoying the classes there!

Definitely check it out!! Bring a towel and lots of water :)

Unknown said...

You rocked the activity last month! WOW! Great job! :)

K8 said...

ahhh, you used the quote. And you said I'm sweet! You are sweeter though!

Are you Zumba-ing on Thursday?

Jo said...

check out the video on my blog if you want see how really dance

congrats on all your weight watchers success

Anonymous said...

I'm loving those calendars, Ash! Thanks for posting mine in your blog - August is gorgeous...

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