I was killing a bit of time in Indigo the other night (before seeing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which was awesome!) and couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by the number of diet and nutrition books that the store had on its shelves. Now I’m a sucker for a good book about food but really, do we need that many? Perusing the titles, there seemed to be something for everyone with every gimmick known to man.
The experience brought me back to the simplicity of a great Michael Pollan quote:
”Eat good food. Not too much. Mostly plants”
What else is there beyond that in food land? Obviously lifestyle choices, behaviours, feelings, emotions and exercise are all going to play into a healthy lifestyle (which is why I still love Weight Watchers after 4 years of following the program) but I’ve realized that the gimmicky stuff doesn’t turn me on, nor do I believe that it has staying power. Lately I’ve just been trying to listen to my body and nourish it the best ways I know how:
What are your thoughts on the number of diet and food books out there? What are your words to live by when it comes to food and nutrition?
There really are so many out there. I agree with you, if it has a gimmick, it probably doesn't have staying power. WW is a good program....I love it!
I couldn't agree with you more. It is so overwhelming, and it gets confusing knowing who/what is right/wrong. I agree that simple ingredients, mostly plants is sensible...not to say that I am great at always following that.
Your meals look amazing and I definitely aspire to have more meals that look as healthy as yours do!
Hi there! I just stumbled on your blog and I wanted to leave a little note to say that I really enjoyed everything that I read.
Keep up the great work!!
Great post!
I agree that there are so many diet books that promise a 'quick' fix but what it comes down to is an active, healthy and happy lifestyle.
Great words to live by...if you can't pronounce it, don't eat it!
I get overwhelmed with them and they are so restrictive. That's why I love Weight Watchers because it is inclusive of all different lifestyles.
It's nuts how many are out there. I've bought 3 in my life and know now I wasted my money!
I try to eat healthy, trying to avoid white death(sugar and salt) so basically little as possible processed foods.
Great post, Ash. I totally agree with you--there are WAY too many gimmicks, and I also LOVE that quote from Michael Pollan! (Two books, though, that I've found life changing are Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and Clean by Dr. Alejandro Junger.)
In a totally unrelated subject, my mom was in Toronto this week, and came back telling me how much I would love it because it's so vegan friendly! Of course, I already knew that because of your blog, but she was so excited, so I got excited with her! :)
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