TGIF took on a whole new meaning on my second day in NYC. I started with a beginner class at Physique 57. I had read about Physique 57 on Gina’s blog and after doing a bit more research before my trip, decided that I really wanted to try it since it’s something that I’ve never seen offered in Toronto.

Based on the Lottie Berk method, Physique 57 is a unique fitness experience that targets all your trouble zones through pilates, ballet and strength based movements. I traveled to the studio on Avenue of the Americas and felt instantly at home and zen in the studio. The class uses a variety of props including ballet barres, playground balls, free weights, bands and mats, and the studios are carpeted in the participants don’t wear shoes.
This class kicked my ass.
I loved the use of all the props and ballet bar. The instructor was motivating and encouraging and did a great job at giving all the gals in the class individualized attention and corrections. Outside of some of the alignment and use of props, the moves are not difficult to learn, but are done in repetition that get your muscles working! I loved the focus on areas that I feel need more work, like my hips, thighs and mid-section.
After climbing the 4 flights of stairs back to the hotel room (remember when I said I knew this would be a bad idea at some point?) I walked down to the 3rd and 14th street to meet up with the lovely Sheryl!!

We had such a blast the last time I was in NYC, I was so looking forward to hanging out again. We hopped on the MTA to make my first ever trip into Brooklyn. Sheryl wanted to take me to a vegan bar called the Pine Box Rock Shop, but when we arrived at 2pm we discovered that they didn’t open until 4 and weren’t even willing to make exceptions for two gorgeous vegan ladies. So, we changed our plans, and headed into Williamsburg to go to Champs.
Champs was awesome. Super cute decor, huge vegan baked goods, and a delectable brunch menu. I opted for scrambled tofu with tempeh bacon, salad and home fries.
It was oh so good, especially after such an intense workout! Sheryl grabbed a giant vegan brownie
(she was still riding the high of her birth week) and the vegan french toast. Sheryl’s friend Amanda joined us for a little bit and I have to say that I drooled a bit over her giant cinnamon bun!!

After Champs, we headed back into Manhattan for some shopping adventures at Sephora and Trader Joe’s, although didn’t make it into the store due to the massive pre-Irene insanity. I love our friendship and our hilarious conversations and adventures. I look forward to more to come!! I love that I managed to score a free hug…

I did some wandering and shopping before heading up to Candle 79 for dinner. I’ve heard so much about Candle 79 and was incredibly excited to finally eat there! It was early, so I scored a sweet table by the window. I started with a delicious muddled berry juice to sip on along with some sparkling water.
It was really refreshing but was kind of disappointed that they hadn’t perfected their own version of the “hurricane” in honour of the upcoming storm before I ordered.
For my main, I chose the Moroccan spiced chickpea cake.
I wanted more spice/Moroccan flavour from the chickpeas, but everything worked really well together and my body was happy to have the good green stuff. I loved the restaurant had a separate gluten free menu and my server was incredibly cognizant of my gfree needs. I asked for his expertise when deciding on dessert. He advised me to choose the brownie, and said that it was going to be the best brownie ever and it honestly did not disappoint!!

Chewy, dense, chocolaty brownie with ice cream and deliciousness. It was like heaven!! I’m such a dessert gal and this was ah-mazing. I had such a great experience at Candle 79 and can’t wait to go back AND pick up their soon-to-be-released cookbook!
I had been waiting for 8pm on Friday night for weeks, as it meant that I was going to be entering the Marquis theatre to see one of my musical theatre idols, Bernadette Peters, sitting fourth row centre in Follies. I started tearing up while walking into the theatre. No joke.

The show was amazing. Bernadette was unbelievable. She embodied the most magnificent performance of everything I’ve been taught about musical theatre and crushed my expectations and hopes for seeing her onstage. Seeing her sing Losing My Mind was breathtaking. The rest of the cast were phenomenal and I really enjoyed the story and of course all of Sondheim’s music. I knew many of the songs and was enthralled from start to finish. I can’t wait until the cast recording comes out so I can re-live all of the wonderfulness.
As if I needed to top the whole night off, I managed to discover the stage door and had the chance to briefly meet Bernadette and have her sign my program.
There were many people around so I didn’t accost her for a photo. In real life she’s a teeny tiny person, but has such a wonderful presence onstage. It was unforgettable and worth the wait.
Seriously, delicious vegan eats, a great class, adventures with a gorgeous friend and seeing my musical theatre idol in a brilliant show - What more could you ask for in a Friday?!
How about a photo opp with a group of sailors with a combined age of about 29 in Times Square?

Oh yes, that happened.